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Welcome to Blue Demon Trucking we are a Virtual Trucking Company (VTC)under the managment of one Owner & one Co-Owner names can be found on top of the page.We have our Business Headquarters near San Diego & we are in Europe.We require you to have a program in order to work for our company. That program is called Virtual Trucking Manager Live (VTMLive). Follow this link for the Registration form:

Follow this link to download the program (Must Register first in order to properly join the Company)


 Blue Demon Trucking  Company stats

Join The Blue Demon Trucking VTC Today

Welcome to Blue Demon Trucking
it was created early 2019 and brings together driving/trucking enthusiasts wanting that little more out of ETS2 

If driving in convoys and having a laugh on Discord Chat with a brewski sounds fun to you then hit the apply button

Company Stats For The Year Of 2019

Hello Blue Demon Trucking! Here is the December analysis.First of all thank you all for the time you’ve put in driving for us! It is appreciated and I love seeing all those jobs being posted daily. Keep it up guys! Also welcome to the new members who have joined the Blue Demon Trucking VTC


We came 6th overall in the US ETS2 league! And between us we did 627 jobs covering 256,257 miles


1st place: Hotrock - 41,786 miles

2nd place: Mountain rock - 37,570 miles

3rd place: Neil Graham -31,134 miles

Taking into account race miles Mountain rock came first with 11,710 miles


We also game 11th overall in the US ATS league which I don’t normally include but there’s been a lot more jobs on their this month On ATS we did 98 jobs and 31,246 miles


1st place: Simon Hall - 13,983 miles

2nd place: Hotrock - 5,302 miles

3rd place: Alex promods - 4,566 Race miles

1st place: Shamil - 5,347


Thanks again everyone and hope to have a drive with you all soon!

The Boss.

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